
In A Room Alone Press

... is an indie poetry press run by a poet. Its aim is to provide a space and chance for poets outside the traditional publishing world. 

IN A ROOM ALONE was founded by Hannah Cao in 2019 and is based in Germany.

Hannah runs the press with a mission of pressing importance on lifting the voices of marginalised groups. She emphasises inclusivity with this passion project, and aims to offer a platform where those often sidelined by conventional publishers can have their voices heard and appreciated. 

Hannah Cao 

... is a poet and novelist based in Germany. Her passion for poetry began in childhood, solidified in early adulthood. She has since published two collections of poetry and a contemporary novel. Besides writing multiple manuscripts and planning a business, she works closely with poets as the editor-in-chief of the press. From her desk or a coffee shop seat, Hannah does research and brainstorms ideas for new collective projects. In a room alone, she writes and reads what others have on their minds. In a room alone, she lets those voices sound, and she pays attention. 

In the future, Hannah plans on bringing poets' original work to life with IARA Press as the publisher.